
Modern C++

Modern C++ is not just about new language features or a bunch of library improvements. Modern C++ is how we write code, how we design interfaces, and how we make the best use of modern features while respecting existing investments. This is an exciting time to be a C++ developer, and this course will show you how to make the most of C++ 11/14, how to use advanced template features and design for exception safety, and how to work with parallelism and concurrency in standard and non-standard C++ code. In this course you will experience the spirit of true modern C++.
Intended audience
C++ developers, team leaders, and software architects.


Runtime checks
Static code analysis
The Visual Studio Profiler
Function objects
std::bind and std::mem_fn
New containers
Miscellaneous features
Non-static data member initializers
override and final functions
Delegating constructors
Alias templates
Type inference for local variables (auto)
Type inference for expressions (decltype)
Uniform initialization and list initialization
Extended literals
Compile-time constant expressions (constexpr)
Deleted and defaulted functions
Range-based for loop
Lambda functions
Lambdas and function pointers
LAB: auto, range-based for, lambdas
Temporary objects and copies
Rvalue references
Move semantics (constructor and assignment)
Universal references
Perfect forwarding
Guidance for move semantics
LAB: move support
Futures and promises
RAII and smart pointers
Guidance for smart pointers
Unordered containers
Regular expressions
LAB: smart pointers
Task parallelism vs. data parallelism
Task groups
Tasks and continuations
Parallel loops
Parallel algorithms
Concurrent containers
Synchronization mechanisms
LAB: parallelism and asynchrony
Recap of function templates and class templates
Template specialization and partial specialization
Type traits
Detecting nested type and member at compile-time
Variadic templates
Error handling
Recap of C++ exception syntax
C++ 11 nested exceptions and exception capturing
Exception safety guarantees
Guidance for constructors and operator=
Obtaining strong exception safety by move or swap
LAB: analyzing exception safety

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