
Swift Fundamentals for iOS Developers

Swift is Apple's new programming language for iOS and OS X, which builds upon functional and generic languages and interoperates with Objective-C. In this one-day course you will make the transition from Objective-C to Swift while learning about Swift's syntax in detail, including closures, protocols, extensions, optional types, and many other topics. We will also discuss interoperability between Swift and Objective-C, including within the same project. The course is accompanied by multiple hands-on labs, in which you will experiment with Swift syntax and learn to use the language in the most effective manner. Prior experience with Objective-C development for either iOS or OS X is required.
Intended audience
IOS/OS X developers who want to learn developing with Swift.


Swift vs. Objective-C
Swift language principles
The REPL and Playgrounds
LAB: Getting started with Swift
Variables and constants
Built-in types
Conditional statements
Basic loops
LAB: Basic control flow
Optional variables
Testing and unwrapping
LAB: Collections
Basic functions
Higher-order functions, nested functions
LAB: Functions
The Swift type system
Property observers
Access modifiers
Inheritance and polymorphism
LAB: Classes and Structures
Using enumerations
Associated values (sum types)
Basic pattern matching
Expression patterns
Custom expression matching
LAB: Pattern matching
Automatic reference counting (ARC)
Reference cycles
Weak and unowned references
Reference cycles with closures
Protocol inheritance and casting
Some useful protocols
Extending protocols
Generic functions
Generic classes
Protocols and associated types
Complex constraints
LAB: Generics
Overloading operators
Custom operators
Associativity and precedence
Objective-C vs. Swift error handling
Throwing errors
Calling functions that throw
Deferred execution
Bridging basic types, classes, methods
Bridging strings and collections
Using id and optionals
Error handling
API availability
Mix and match in the same project
LAB: Mixing and matching
Xcode migrator

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