
Data Engineering on Google Cloud

This course provides participants a hands-on introduction to designing and building data processing systems on Google Cloud Platform. Participants will learn how to design data processing systems, build end-to-end data pipelines, analyze data and carry out machine learning. The course covers structured, unstructured, and streaming data.
Intended audience
Extracting, Loading, Transforming, cleaning, and validating data Designing pipelines and architectures for data processing Creating and maintaining machine learning and statistical models Querying datasets, visualizing query results and creating reports


Creating and managing clusters.
Leveraging custom machine types and preemptible worker nodes.
Scaling and deleting Clusters.
Running Pig and Hive jobs.
Separation of storage and compute.
Customize cluster with initialization actions.
BigQuery Support.
Google’s Machine Learning APIs.
Common ML Use Cases.
Invoking ML APIs.
What is BigQuery.
Queries and Functions.
Lab: Writing queries in BigQuery.
Loading data into BigQuery.
Exporting data from BigQuery.
Nested and repeated fields.
Querying multiple tables.
Performance and pricing.
The Beam programming model.
Data pipelines in Beam Python.
Data pipelines in Beam Java.
Scalable Big Data processing using Beam.
Incorporating additional data.
Handling stream data.
GCP Reference architecture.
What is machine learning (ML).
Effective ML: concepts, types.
ML datasets: generalization.
Getting started with TensorFlow.
TensorFlow graphs and loops + lab.
Monitoring ML training.
Why Cloud ML?
Packaging up a TensorFlow model.
End-to-end training.
Creating good features.
Transforming inputs.
Synthetic features.
Preprocessing with Cloud ML.
Stream data processing: Challenges.
Handling variable data volumes.
Dealing with unordered/late data.
What is Cloud Pub/Sub?
How it works: Topics and Subscriptions.
Challenges in stream processing.
Handle late data: watermarks, triggers, accumulation.
Streaming analytics: from data to decisions.
Querying streaming data with BigQuery.
What is Google Data Studio?
What is Cloud Spanner?
Designing Bigtable schema.
Ingesting into Bigtable.

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