
F# Programming

This 4 days course provides students with knowledge and skills to develop applications in .NET using F# and functional programming language. F# has a great community and open source libraries can make you more productive and write application with much less bugs. The course features an overview of language related features as well as using Type Providers, stream processing, Asynchronous programming and Reactive programming.
Intended audience
The course is intended for developers with good knowledge of .NET ecosystem and practical experience of at least 3 years.


What is functional Programming
What is F#
Functional programming and F# motivations
Functional programming foundations
Data Modeling motivations
List & Seq
Discriminated Union
Pattern matching
Active pattern
Unit of measures
Type Providers
Data Visualization
Async Programming motivation
Async Workflow
C# vs F# Similarity
C# vs F# Difference
Async and parallel programming
Async and UI
F# vs C#
Using C# code from F# code
Using F# code form C# code
F# project structure
Nuget vs Paket
MSBuild vs FAKE
F# and Unit Test
Property Based Testing
OOP Design Patterns vs Functional programming
Fluent interface vs Functional programming
Functional Design Patterns – Monoid
Functional Design Patterns – Option
Functional Design Patterns – Monad
Computation Expression
Agents motivations
What is Agents
Agents vs Actors
Agents patterns
Stream processing motivation
Stream processing basics
Real world examples
F# other streams libraries

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