
Entity Framework 6

Entity Framework is the new ORM and data access technology introduced by Microsoft. Entity framework provides an easy and efficient mapping from relational data into business entities. It is easy to use and it is integrated with many other Microsoft technologies. The Entity framework relies on the idea of modeling to provide the right level of abstraction. It describes the same data in two different models and provides the mapping between the two. The conceptual model describes the business entities and the storage model describes how the database store that data. The ADO.NET Entity Framework is designed to enable developers to create data access applications by programming against a conceptual application model instead of programming directly against a relational storage schema.
Intended audience
Developers and Designers


About the course
Storage trends
Storing Application Data
Relational DB (Pro / Con)
NoSQL storage
Stored Procedures
Isolation Levels
What is Entity Framework?
Why Do We Care?
What Should We Expect?
Object-Oriented VS RDBMS
OO vs. Relational Database
How to get started
EF 6, How to start
Attach database to Visual Studio
Choosing the Development Work
Entity Framework Concept
EDM (Entity Data Model)
EF Designer (EDM)
When to use Code First
Getting started
Add DTOs (Data Transfer Objects)
Add Context
Start CRUD operation
Default conversion
Code First and EDM
Entity Framework Power Tools
Complex Type
Add and Read data
Database Initialization
Configuration options
DbConfiguration discovery
Connection Convention
Choosing the Provider
Handling Initialization
Custom Initialization
EF6 Logging API
Advance Logging
SQL Server Profiler
Unit of work
Local cache
Change Tracking Proxies
Laziness and Serialization
Unit of Work / Save
Auto Detect Changes
On-Demand Detect Changes
Manual State Management
Batch operation
Query the tracking state
Distributed Transaction
Disable Laziness
Limitations of Convention
Schema definition
Annotation Limitation
Fluent API
Fluent API Limitation
Entity Framework Power Tools
DbContext Extensions
Query and Save Changes
Connection String
Connection String (Best Practice)
Model Browser
Update Model from Database
Code Generation
T4 template
When to use T4
Hybrid Text and Code
T4 Syntax
T4 Tooling
Reuse T4 across multiple files
Tuning the EDM
Disable proxies
Separation of Concern
Multiple EDMs with cross-entities (same assembly)
Separation of EDMs
Entity Color
Multiple-Diagram View
EF Designer vs. Code First
SOA orientation
Distributed (SOA) scenario
Batch loading
Loading a graph with a single request
Loading indirect, related entities
Loading multiple related enti
Include’s Limitations
Explicit loading of related entities
Fine-tuning explicit loading
What is Migration
Code First Migration
Trace schema changes
Update the Database
Migration Summary
Entity Framework and Stored Procedures
Insert, Update, Delete
Code First
EF Designer
How to
Common Concurrency Patterns
Common Optimistic Patterns
Code First
Ef Designer
Enum support
Spatial Types
Geographic standard
Parsing Geographical Data
Batch Update / Delete
Bulk Insert
Pre-Generated Mapping Views
Default Mapping (Include)
Multiple Result Set
Async (Introduction to I/O operations)
Task is Data Structure
Scheduling a Task using Factory
New async syntax
async and UI
Exception flow control
Pitfall and Best Practice
Deferred Execution
Expression vs. Delegate
Update From Database
Namespace agnostic
Code First and Shared DTOs
Code First and Shared
Configuration racing problem
Unit Test for Entity Framework
Isolating the context
Mocking the Context
Inheritance: Table Per Type (TPT)
Inheritance: Table Per Hierarchic (TPH)
Map a Single Entity to Multiple Tables
Table Splitting
Trouble Shooting OO

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