
Clean Code and Refactoring Techniques

Writing clean code is an essential skill for every developer. It saves a lot of time in debugging, maintenance and bug fixing down the road. However, if we also want to be able to quickly respond to changing requirements and still keep our code clean, we must also know how to refactor it efficiently. In this course we’ll learn and practice some basic ideas of clean code and refactoring techniques, with the goal of improving these skills.
Intended audience
Professional developers (examples and exercises are in C#, but most content is relevant also for Java developers), architects, technical team leads


Small steps
Keep it working
Use //TODOs and [Obsolete]
Readability: Naming, spacing
Number of arguments
Method length
Cyclomatic Complexity
Exception handling
Avoid static state
Law of Demeter
Cohesion and Coupling
Polymorphism and function pointers
The SOLID principles
4 rules of simple design
Extract/Inline methods
Extract/Inline variables, fields and parameters
Change method signature
Extract super class/interface
Pull members up/Push members down
Move to another type
Safe delete
Go to base/derived/declaration/implementation
Analyze type hierarchy
Analyze project references
Call tracking
Value tracking
Dependencies diagram
Unit tests structure
Mock objects
Limitations of unit tests
The way TDD works
Benefits of TDD
TDD and legacy code
Pair programming / Code review

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