
LINQ via C#

This three-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop applications with the C# 3.0 language and the LINQ (Language Integrated Query) framework. LINQ is Microsoft’s framework for bridging the gap between various data sources and the .NET object-oriented languages. LINQ abstracts away the data source, providing an intuitive, declarative and uniform query interface to object collections, SQL-based relational databases and XML documents. Its extensibility features facilitate integrating additional data sources through the use of custom query providers. LINQ C# integration relies heavily on a set of new features of the C# 3.0 language. The course is packed with practical code samples, demos and exercises to facilitate understanding the motivation of LINQ, the design patterns for its application, and its potential pitfalls.
Intended audience
This course is intended for C# developers with practical experience in the .NET framework.


Developer Productivity
Extensibility Concepts
Functional Programming Features
LINQ Support Features
Lab 1: Extension Methods and IEnumerable<T>
Lab 2: Extension Methods and Anonymous Types
Motivation for Query Operators
Developing Query Operators
Categorizing query operators
Language integration of query operators
Lab 3: Implementing Query Operators
Using Query Operators with Objects.
Customizing query operators
The query pattern
Examples of LINQ to Objects
Lab 4: Implementing the Query Pattern
Lab 5: Using LINQ Queries
Introducing the XElement API
Constructing XML fragments with XElement
Querying XElement DOMs
Axis methods
Lab 6: LINQ to XML
LINQ to DataSet
LINQ to SQL as an Object-Relational Mapper
The Data Context
Visual Studio LINQ to SQL Designer vs. SQLMetal.
Lab 7: Integrating XML Mapping
Lab 8: Testing Concurrency Control and Object Tracking
Lab 9: Inheritance Mapping
Overview of Parallel LINQ.
Overview of ADO.NET Entity Framework.
Overview of ADO.NET Data Services.
Overview of Custom Query Providers.
Performance Considerations of LINQ to Objects.
Performance Considerations of LINQ to XML.
Performance Considerations of LINQ to SQL.

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